my name’s adell,
and I’m obsessed with yoga, handstands, and optimal health. I geek out over anything that makes me a little bit happier, healthier, or more resilient than I was yesterday.
And if you have an interest in becoming a better you, then we’ll get along great. Because I love sharing my knowledge.
I’m a yoga teacher, an author, a blogger, and an advocate for staying curious always.

When people try to guess where I’m from, they always get it wrong.
I’ll tell you: I grew up in a little town of about 10,000 people called Petal. It’s in Mississippi. You can’t get much more Deep South than that. So how did a girl raised in the deer-huntin’, bacon-eatin’, gun-lovin’ Bible Belt of Murica end up as a mala-bead-wearing, Namastay-ing, biohacking yoga teacher living in London?
Well, first of all, that’s enough stereotyping, thank you very much. Not everyone in Mississippi is a clichéd redneck, and not all yogis are incense burning vegans.
But to answer the question, growing up I had a burning desire to GTFO of Mississippi.
At the age of 19 I had the opportunity to spend a year studying abroad in a city called Swansea in Wales. Some might say I went from one shit hole to another. But I fell in love with Wales. When my studies finished, I wasn’t ready to move back to Mississippi.
Not knowing what else to do with my life or where else to go, I just stayed in Wales. I spent the majority of my twenties searching. I didn’t know what my strengths were, I had no idea if I had any talents whatsoever, and I was very, VERY unhappy working dead-end part-time jobs. If anyone asked me “What are you passionate about?” I would shrug with ennui.
One of the things I’m asked most is “How did you get started in yoga?"
It was one fateful day in 2015 my twin sister said, “You should get on Instagram and follow these yoga people. They do cool stuff!”
Up until then, I believed yoga was some kind of boring hippy cult thing, so I was pleasantly surprised to see that yoga could also be handstands and arm balances.
That’s what hooked me. I wanted to be able to do a peacock pose on a rock like the pretty Instagram pictures. (I never said this would be a story of existential struggles or anguished pilgrimages.)
Within 6 months I was “the yoga girl” at my workplace because I was so obsessed with it and could barely talk about anything else. Another 6 months later, my life as I knew it imploded when I was made redundant by my job, dumped and heartbroken by my boyfriend, and told to move out of my house by my landlord. All the while still living in Wales where I had no family or any real ties.
“Well if this isn’t a chance to start all over and do something new, I don’t know what is!” I said to myself, (only after dozens of friends and family members said it to me first, and I slowly crawled out of my self-pity to see their wisdom and take their advice.)
So I went to India and did a 200hour yoga teacher training and realised how much I DIDN’T know about yoga.
Thus began my life-long journey of learning more about yoga, only to understand more profoundly with every new piece of knowledge the utter depth of my ignorance.
I returned to Wales for a brief 8 months where I taught some yoga and learned how frikkin challenging it is to lead a bunch of strangers through postures and breath. But I’ve always loved a challenge. Thanks to the connections and exposure I had through Instagram I was able to then go travelling as a nomad and make my way around the world a couple of times, paying my way from one city to the next by taking any and every opportunity to share the practice of yoga.
Traveling solo for nearly two years is indescribable in what it teaches you and how it moulds you as a person. Wholly transformational. And stressful.
So I settled in London in October 2018, because it is one of the greatest cities in the world and it’s where I feel very much at home.
And that’s the (hella summarised) story of this Mississippi London yogi.

I love sharing
Which Brings me to you.
This journey I’ve been on has improved my life in every way. It’s impossible not to want to share that with others.
Through my Instagram page, my newsletter and blogs, and my YouTube channel, I share free information in exchange for the dopamine hit I get from seeing so many others get inspired and motivated.
My aim is to show you that the only guru you need is right there within yourself. Everything I teach and share is done with respect for the absolute genius that I know you are. And if you need, I’m here to help you discover (or re-discover) your inner wisdom.

A few ways I can help
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