
You’ll find links for books I’ve read and enjoyed! These are affiliate codes which means I make a small commission, and therefore you help support me when you use these links and codes :-)


“Too Flexible to Feel Good” by me!!! Adell Bridges & Celest Pereira:
Obviously the best book ever written.

The culmination of years of experience living with, and working with, hypermobile bodies. This book is perfect for anyone who is extra bendy, or anyone in any field that works with bodies — since hypermobility affects around 15% of the population!


“Healing Night” by Rubin Naiman:
To me, there’s no better book out there on sleep. If you’re not interested in the power of good sleep, you ARE asleep! This book is so beautifully written that will help you understand good sleep.

“ADHD 2.0” by Edward Hallowell and John Ratey:
if you think you have ADHD, know anyone with ADHD, or want to understand the brain better in general, this book is a wonderful place to start.

“The Death of Ivan Illych” by Leo Tolstoy:
short read that changed my life. A novella that lead me to my “death bed mentality” of life that I employ anytime I’m stressed or unhappy.

“What Doesn’t Kill Us” by Scott Carney:
This book is such a fun and easy read for understanding the importance of discomfort for better health, strength, and resilience.

“The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel van der Kolk:
eye-opening and mind-blowing book about trauma and how it manifests in the body and brain. Whether you’ve experienced trauma or not, this is a MUST READ for anyone who wishes to understand other humans better.

“The Brain that Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge:
File this under “life changing”! If you have a brain, this is worth reading. Proof — chapter after chapter — that we are capable of changing and altering ourselves in every way through neural plasticity!

“Braving the Wilderness” by Brene Brown:
Vulnerability is powerful. This book is all about how and why. It will make you excited about being more vulnerable!

“Come As You Are” by Emily Nagoski:
This book is for anyone with a vulva or anyone wanting to have any kind of physical relationship with a person that has a vulva. This book is for anyone who has any kind of hang-ups whatsoever about sex. It’s a great read (or listen) and will change your view of bedroom playtime.