10 Things to Expect at My Workshops


One of the questions I’m asked most often is, “Can I attend your workshop if I’m not very advanced?” (and the answer is YES!!)

I get it, because what I often share on Instagram is quite strong stuff, and so you may be wondering if that’s what my classes are like!

So I want to shed some light on what to expect when you book into a workshop or class with me.

1: You can expect to GO DEEPER

It’s what workshops are all about! We take the time to break things down which are often glossed over in a typical yoga class. And it’s why I love teaching workshops — so I can get geeky with you about exactly what’s happening in the shoulders to attain that pincha mayurasana, or understand precisely what your fingers should do in your handstand.

2: You can expect to EXPLORE

So with that longer, more in-depth format of a workshop, it means not only going into detail about how to do certain postures, but you’ll have the opportunity to explore what that means for you individually. We are all different, and so we need to understand our own unique strengths and weaknesses. In my workshops, we take the time to put into practice the tools and tips I’ve given.

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3: You can expect to TRY SOMETHING NEW

“New” doesn’t mean challenging or difficult. It simply means different!

I believe in offering something new to everyone—whether you’re a yoga newbie, a long-time practitioner, or a teacher—and so I work hard when planning my workshops to have plenty of things up my sleeve so everyone will leave the workshop having tried something new.

Because trying new things is so valuable for our mind, body, and soul!

4: You can expect to HAVE FUN

I like to make my workshops fun. We don’t take anything too seriously! A lot of those new things I offer will be playful and maybe even pointless beyond the intention of just having some fun!

I believe that if we can have fun and truly play with a childlike enjoyment in our yoga practice, then we want to keep coming back to it again and again. And after all, playing is the most natural way of learning a new skill.

5: You can expect VALUABLE TOOLS

I always start my handstand workshop reminding everyone that they probably won’t walk out of the workshop suddenly being able to handstand. It doesn’t work like that (although occasionally something “clicks” for people and they do actually nail a skill for the first time!)

What I give in my workshops are lots of tools, tips, and techniques to take away with you. I also work hard to come up with tools that you can incorporate into your existing yoga practice. Because I know how busy you are! You may already struggle to get on your mat every day, so you don’t have time to add glute exercises or drills for drop-backs on top of that. Instead, I teach how to add these into a typical asana practice.


Simply because I am not your other yoga teachers. It’s one benefit of going to any new class or yoga teacher or yoga studio! Every single teacher has a slightly distinctive way of interpreting things, a different method for explaining.

And my perspective comes from a background in gymnastics, an insatiable curiosity of physiology, and a conglomeration of knowledge picked up from teaching and learning all over the world.

7: You can expect a LEARNING ENVIRONMENT

I always encourage people to bring their notebooks, their phones, their cameras, and whatever else they like to use to be able to remember the material we cover. So please, bring your phone and set it up on a tripod to record the whole workshop! Or have a notepad and pen next to your mat so you can stop and take notes. I want my workshops to be valuable to you, and that means doing whatever is necessary to record what we cover!


My workshops tend to have about 20-30 people in them. Sometimes more, sometimes less. But I’m not putting on massive 100-participant workshops like some yoga teachers. (And if I do in the future, I will have assistants helping me.) So, my workshops offer an opportunity to get some individual attention. I love taking the time to give people tips for their unique struggles or goals! I love assisting people who want help when trying something for the first time!

9: You can expect a HUMAN BEING

I don’t ever want anyone to come to one of my workshops expecting some perfect, flawless, all-knowing guru. Sorry, that’s not me! I’m aware that most people know me from Instagram, and so with that there may be certain expectations of what I’ll be like in real life.

So I’ll just go ahead and remind you: I’m just a normal person! I’m still learning all the time. I will inevitably make mistakes and tell you to put your left foot down when I mean your right. I may draw a blank and stare at you for 10 solid seconds while I try to think of a word.

But I can guarantee you: I put my HEART AND SOUL into these workshops. It is my passion, and—let’s be honest—my livelihood. I want them to be AN AMAZING experience for you. But, I’m not a perfectly curated Instagram post. I’m a person!

10: You can expect PHOTOS AND HUGS

One of my favourite parts of going to a city and guest-teaching in a studio is that I get to meet so many amazing people! And so I love it when, after my workshops finish, people want to get photos and give me hugs.

But sometimes people message me afterwards and say, “I wanted to ask you for a photo but I didn’t want to bother you.” Please please please, don’t be shy about that! You came to my workshop, and that means the world to me! It is my pleasure to take a photo with you, answer your questions, and give you a big hug!

So I hope that I’ve convinced you to come to my workshops!

Yoga, WorkshopsAdell Bridges