Change is ALWAYS possible

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



There are many different types of plasticity. 

A favourite of mine is functional plasticity*.

(Plasticity is just any kind of lasting anatomical or functional change.)


Functional plasticity is basically where brain damage has occurred, but the brain says: 

"Hmm okay, the areas that used to do X function are gone now. No problem! Let's make a new way to allow that to happen."

For example: 

  • A stroke victim loses the ability to walk because of irreparable damage to the "walking part of the brain" (to oversimplify it.) 

  • Stroke victim learns to walk again anyway because the brain makes up new ways to allow this to happen.


How I'm choosing to apply this super cool knowledge right now is:

  • Remember, like there are billions of neurons that together form a brain, and that brain's output depends on the collective output of each neuron (brain cell) and synapse (connection and behaviour of cells)...

  • We humans each create little connections -- synapses if you will -- that collectively make up the overall function of humanity.

  • Some areas of humanity are sick and damaged right now. 

  • But just like that stroke victim can learn to walk again, we can find new paths amongst the damage and chaos to keep creating positive change. 

Excuse me while I just let you know: 
A spot has opened up on my upcoming Handstand Retreat in Morocco! 
Click here for info​

Stay plastic,

Adell xoxo

*I learned this from Dr. Cobb of Z-health. Once again, studying the brain with Dr. Cobb gives me fresh perspective on all of life. Please check Z-health out if you want to learn about the brain, and â€‹use my discount codes here.​

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?​
• Practice with me on â€‹MOVE with Adell â€‹where I blend yoga + neurology to help you acquire skills, feel great, and grow older with resilience!

Adell Bridges