Can bouncing help your balance?

How are you?

If you're working on balance (who isn't?!), then this is for you...

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



A little bounce (like I demonstrate in ​this short video​) can help your overall balance! 


This quick up and down movement activates your vestibular system, or your inner ear

Yep, I'm talking about the vestibular system AGAIN and that's because it's SO IMPORTANT and still so UNDER-APPRECIATED!! 

It's what tells your brain:

1️⃣ which way is up, and

2️⃣ what direction you're moving in

And so it basically keeps you from falling over, when doing anything from unloading the dishwasher to holding your handstand a little longer. 

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Any movement of your head will activate your vestibular system, but there are some easy ways to activate it MORE:

1️⃣ Keep your eyes focused on a single point (key word: focus! if that thing you're looking at goes blurry...slow down so it stays in focus)

2️⃣ Try moving your head in different directions, such as tilting your ear towards your shoulder, or twisting your chin over a shoulder. 

If you get dizziness or a slight headache, your vestibular system is just saying "woahhh." Just take a breath or two, and slow down your movements. 

Try this with me in the new flow on Move With Adell:
​Warming Hip Mobility and Balance Training Flow​

Thank you for reading! Get in touch if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Keep bouncing 😉 

Adell xoxo

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?​ ​
• Join the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC 
• Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches:  
​Click here​ for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges