Don't make this mistake in your movement practice...
Ever think there may be something to the cue from yoga teachers to smile in difficult postures? Tell me what you think after reading this week's....
"Brainy What-Why-How"
Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!
Going really hard and pushing yourself may be counterproductive. (No matter what the instagram fitness creators say.)
I keep hearing this audio on Instagram that says something like, "if you're not making ugly faces like a gremlin when you're at the gym, then you're not working out hard enough."
In the videos, people show themselves grimacing and straining to get another rep in.
This scowling of the face and hunching of the shoulders is also known as the startle reflex*: the protective position our bodies go into when we're...well...startled.
Did you think I was demonstrating the startle reflex? No...this is just my face.
It's a sign that the body is finding something either very difficult or dangerous.
And while some people's nervous systems do respond positively to this state, most do not.
For many of us, at this point our brain is in threat mode.
And that can mean increased fatigue, decreased range of motion, pain, dizziness, anxiety, and more. Not the ideal way to feel if you're trying to grow, learn, improve!
How to deal with this? Take rests. Modify so you can move without that startle reflex. Breathe.
My mantra is:
If I can train making something look easy, then I can perfect it actually being easy.
This is something I remind you to do in today's new ​Strong Breath, Long Spine: Shoulders, Chest, and Abs flow​ as we work towards crow pose and other arm balances!
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Makes sense right? If what you do over and over again is what becomes habit, then maybe train making something effortless and efficient.
Thank you for reading! Get in touch if you have any questions.
And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.
Wishing you a grimace-less week,
P.S. Don't miss your opportunity to train in NeuroYoga with me -- I'm sharing EVERYTHING I know about the brain and how it relates to moving better, feeling better, and reaching your goals! Click ​here​ for details
*This is yet another thing I learned from the mind-blowing Z-Health courses; ​click here​ to get my discount codes on their courses!