1 super easy way to improve ANY movement...

Welcome to the first ever

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!

No. 1


Sensory information kicks the motor cortex into gear.

Meaning: touching yourself may help you move better! (No...not touching yourself like that...)


Let's say you're going for a hike. Your skin is helping build a picture for your brain about what's around you.

So if a twig scrapes you as you pass a tree, that information is sent to the sensory cortex of the brain.

It then produces the necessary output (the sensation you feel of scraping, scratching, or tickling).

But what it also does is it says to the motor cortex (which sits right in front of the sensory cortex):

"hey, FYI this thing just happened to our human."

This is because as we were evolving (before our cosy little modern lives,) we needed to process information about what we FELT in order to TAKE ACTION if it was harmful.

"Was it a twig... or was it a snake?"

Watch my new  YouTube video  "Touch Yourself to Improve Mobility!" where I explain this in more depth!


So how can we use this information to help our movements?

My recommendation is today's new class on Move With Adell:  Gentle Opening Flow for Quads, Ankles, and Toes , which begins with a "sensory rubdown".

But you can also just rub, pat, or gently scratch your entire body for about 20-30 seconds right before you do any movement, particularly something that may require a lot of strength or flexibility.

I personally like to do it (I like it a lot) in my first couple of standing forward folds of the day when the hammies are still waking up.

A reminder from Victor Frankl that--while the above stuff is reflexive (it happens automatically)--there are elements to our actions that we can control too:

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. - Victor Frankl

Empowerment is the theme this month on  Move With Adell! 

Thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments section of my YouTube video if a sensory rubdown is workin' for ya!

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Happy sensory sensations,


Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

• check out my  discount codes for Z-health  University courses (where I learned the majority of this -- seriously it's mindblowing)

• get my FREE workshop on Brain Based Creative Sequencing

• get on the  waiting list  for my next NeuroYoga teacher training course!