In a complicated simple (mind-blowing) fact

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



You sort of have two brains

an old brain and a new brain.

New brain is what makes you you. 

It does the human-y things like language and metacognition and logic. 

The old brain is what does all the reflexive, automatic things. 

It's the part of the brain that is can I put this??... quite the asshole.


Why would I call the old brain an asshole, you ask? 

Seems harsh, you say?

Well, your old brain has ONE SINGLE SOLITARY JOB: 

Keep you safe. 

In this moment only

I explain more in my â€‹YouTube video!​ (and why this is actually changed my life!)

Basically -- your old brain doesn't care about you thriving

So pretty much every crappy experience is thanks to the old brain trying to tell you "I don't feel safe!" 


How can we use this information to make our lives better? 

Start to see everything that's crappy -- 

anxiety, pain, fear, fatigue, lack of mobility, et very cetera -- 

as a sign that your brain is saying "I don't feel safe!" 

• It may mean changing something about your situation -- e.g. use a wall to help you balance. 

• It may mean giving your brain more information about the situation -- e.g. get feedback from people about your abilities instead of just giving into the belief that you're a failure and a loser and will never amount to anything. (Take it from me, you're not a failure or a loser.)

• It may mean simply reminding yourself that you are safe -- e.g. feeling road-ragey? Remind yourself that you're safe, even though the slow-poke you're stuck behind is forcing you to slow down. 

Thank you for reading! Hit reply if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Happy alignment of 6 planets day! 

Adell xoxo

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Adell Bridges