2 Super Effective Handstand Tips Nobody is Talking About!!


I've got a new YouTube video out on the most underrated handstand tip nobody talks about.

And just for you, a second tip is below!

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



Your brain will only feel safe with a movement if it knows you can STOP that movement. 

(And the brain won't let you do something if it doesn't feel it's safe.)


Think how slowly and cautiously you would drive a car if you didn't have brakes, and the only way you could stop the car was to literally run into a wall. No fun!

That's how your brain will feel if it doesn't have information about how well you can stop a movement! 

So training STOPPING a movement may be just as important as training the actual movement.

So if you're kicking up to a handstand and you're not using your fingers as brakes, then your brain will slow your handstand-car down to a snail's pace. 🐌🚗

👋🤸‍♀️Say goodbye to getting vertical. 


I teach a lot of handbrake turns ... I mean finger gripping brake-action... in my ​Float To Handstand Skill Factory​ on Move With Adell and there's also ​a separate class​ where we practice moving at speed onto our hands. 

But basically, practice using your fingers to push yourself back after moving forwards onto your hands. 

Do it safely:

i.e. with your feet on the floor still,

or with cushions

or with a wall --

And as your fingers gain strength, your brain will also learn that you've got the power to control the momentum of jumping or kicking up to a handstand. 

(Do I need to make a YouTube video about this?)

My YTT waitlist has already been given a special rate for my next training,
and filled a lot of the available spaces, but... 
It's not too late to get the 
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for my next NeuroYoga teacher training. 
Click here to find out more!

Thank you for reading! Hit reply if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Get moving! And then stop moving! 😉

Adell xoxo

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?
• Join my next NeuroYoga TTC ​here​!​
• Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: ​Click here​ for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!

Adell Bridges