Your eyes do more than seeing...
"Brainy What-Why-How"
Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!
Your eyes have the job of sending information about light to your brain, which your brain then translates into the images you see.
But they can also help you with your range of motion 🤯
You know that reflex in your knee you see in cartoons?
Well, we have ALL SORTS of reflexes like that in our bodies!
One cool one is known as the Ocular Motor Reflex or Orienting Reflex or Orienting Response
(it's so cool it needs three names)
Anyway, where you look 👀 will dictate where your head wants to turn...
which will dictate where your body wants to follow.
What this means:
certain muscles will automatically activate depending on where your eyes move to.
Try it now:
1️⃣ Keeping your head still, in a neutral position, just take your eyes as far to the right (or left, or up, or down) as you can.
2️⃣ Notice how your head wants to move??
3️⃣ Now, lift your left knee to your chest, and then take your eyes to the right.
You can try the opposite way too: right knee to chest, eyes look to the left
4️⃣ Notice if your leg felt a little lighter once you moved your eyes.
✴️It's okay if you didn't notice it; this is just one example of how we can use this reflex and not all ways will work for every body.
But if it did work: HOW COOL, RIGHT?!
This is an example of one of the "brain hacks" I add into my classes on Move With Adell. In fact, we do this very one in today's new flow: A strength focused class for abs and thighs.
Your first 7 days are free to trial Move With Adell, so why not give it a go?
Stay geeky,
Adell xoxo
Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?
• Join me on Move With Adell -- I upload 2 new videos a week -- Click here to start your FREE trial.
• Check out the courses from Z-health, where I started my education in brain-based approaches: Click here for my discount codes on their first 3 courses!
• Sign up to the waiting list for my next NeuroYoga TTC where I teach YOU how to blend yoga + neurology.
• Get my book "Too Flexible to Feel Good: A Practical Roadmap to Managing Hypermobility"