How to be smarter

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!



Stress makes you stupid. 

Or to be more precise, when under extreme stress, the brain shifts away from processes that involve complex reasoning and towards processes that prefer basic, simplified patterns and ideas*.

So releasing stress can help your brain process more complex ideas, notions, and problems with more curiosity and creativity.


Our brains our wired for survival. 

In times of scarcity or information overload, the brain senses this as threat and deals with it by switching off processes in the brain for working towards goals

-- which involves curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness (i.e. some mental work!) -- 

and switching on processes that rely on habits (i.e. less work mentally.) 


How to switch back to a goal-directed process? 



Stop being hard on yourself about how hard it can be to pause and relax. 

Stop pressuring yourself to be perfect. 

Stop expecting others to meet your expectations.

Maybe, join a gentle yoga class that reminds you to BREATHE and RELAX the tension in your body, like the new​ Gentle Inner Focus Flow for Hips and Pelvis â€‹on Move with Adell.

Or do one of the many â€‹Emotional Freedom Meditations​ on Move With Adell Your first 7 days are Free to trial it out🤗

Thank you for reading! Hit reply if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Work smart not hard,

Adell xoxo

​*The Interplay Between Subcortical and Prefrontal Brain Structures in Shaping Ideological Belief Formation and Updating â€‹

Adell Bridges