2 reasons why bad habits are so hard to break

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!

No. 5


The brain often feels safer sticking to old habits --even if they're unhelpful-- than creating new ones. 

Example: Archie broke his big toe 10 years ago. It was useful at the time of recovery to walk in a way that avoided heavy use of his big toe. A new habit was created. 

But long after the big toe healed, Archie still carries big-toe-avoiding foot and ankle movements that make it harder for him to balance on that leg. 

Why? 2 reasons:

1) Your brain uses a ton of energy, and our bodies are adapted to conserve energy. 

One way of saving energy is creating neural pathways: once you do something a few times, the actions "wire together" into a pattern that your brain can just fire up whenever it needs (i.e. you a form habit.)

Creating new habits takes energy. Sticking to old habits saves energy.

There's mounting evidence* that people described as "neophiles" live longer and healthier lives: because creating new neural pathways (learning) is kind of like exercise. It takes effort, but it's good for us because it keeps us strong! 

This is why I often include novel movements in my flows on Move With Adell.


2) Your brain likes to be able to predict.

Do you tend to be more nervous and anxious when faced with a situation involving uncertainty? But how about when you're doing something for the umpteenth time? It's no sweat!

Your brain is no different.

So old habits -- even if they're not helpful -- feel all warm and cosy and familiar to the brain. 


So how can we take this knowledge and put it into action?

1) Notice unhelpful habits and patterns (be it movement, thoughts, or emotional triggers.) 

2) Replace it with a more constructive habit. (Easier said than done, but this blog may help!)

3) Try new things regularly with a sense of curiosity and minimal expectations -- like joining me on Move With Adell ;-)

My flows on Move With Adell are short to help you build the habit of moving everyday, they're designed to help you bring awareness to your body in functional ways, and they're just a part of what you get as a member. 

Habits are like financial capital; forming one today is an investment that will automatically give out returns for years to come - Shawn Achor 


Thank you for reading! Hit me up if you have any questions! 

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Wishing you happifying habits,


*Read more about neophilia in this article

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

• check out my discount codes for Z-health University courses (where I learned the majority of this -- seriously it's mindblowing) 
• check out my Brain Based Creative Sequencing Course -- everything you need to get moving in new ways in accordance with how your brain best functions!

Adell Bridges