Back pain? One thing you may be avoiding which could actually HELP

"Brainy What-Why-How"

Your weekly nibble of brain-based tips to help you move and feel great!
No. 4


Pain is an output created by the brain based on its interpretation of a threat in your overall environment.

Meaning: Low back* pain doesn't necessarily mean there's anything wrong with your low back* 

*replace any other body part.


Neurology, put very simply, is a sequence of three events: 

1️⃣ Input:

Information is sent to the brain. 

Example: You step on a sharp rock. Receptors send information to your brain about this hard, sharp, pressure beneath your foot.

2️⃣ Interpretation:

Your brain decides what to do it about it. 

Your brain puts together all the information it has to decipher that you've just stepped on a rock, and that moving off the rock is best for your safety. 

3️⃣ Output:

Information is sent from the brain to the rest of the body.

Your brain sends signals to your muscles to move your weight off of the foot with the rock under it. 


So. What does this have to do with back pain? (Or any pain?)

All PAIN IS AN OUTPUT. (Not an input.) 

So back pain means your brain is interpreting something about your environment as "threatening." It could be your actual spine, but equally it could be a stressful job. It could be because you're pushing yourself physically despite needing to rest. Numerous things can create "threat" for your brain. 

The less information your brain gets (input)


the more likely it is to feel threatened (interpretation)


and pain is the most successful output your brain has to make you PAY ATTENTION and change something. 

Moving gives the brain more information. But NOT moving keeps your brain in the dark about what's happening in your low back. 


Brain feels scared, because it doesn't know what's happening. 


Brain creates more pain. 

Therefore, moving is often a remedy for pain.**

In today's new upload on Move With Adell, I've included a movement that brain-based practitioners often use with clients who have low back pain.  Try it here ! (It's also a really fun flow 😀)

And in case you have any doubts, remember:

"Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality." - James Cameron

This month empowerment is the theme on Move With Adell. Interested? Start your 7-day  free trial here. 

Thank you for giving your brain this information (i.e. reading)! Let me know if you have any questions -- seriously, hit reply! I love hearing from you!

And please share with a friend or colleague who might find this valuable.

Wishing you happy neural inputs and outputs,


**All of this is massively simplified. If you want to understand pain on a deeper level, check out my  Pain Workshop .

Want to go way deeper on all of this geeky brain stuff?

• check out my  discount codes for Z-health  University courses (where I learned the majority of this -- seriously it's mindblowing) • and get on the  waiting list  for my next NeuroYoga teacher training course! 

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